I am rarely lucky enough to take two successful pinhole shots in one day. Yesterday was such.
I traveled around the beautiful region for work and this day, as well as from time to time, took with me photography equipment.
I haven’t met anything all the time that would attract me enough to take pictures. I was annoyed for a while.
I love the moment when I see the place and I get stuck and I can see exactly what the shot will look like.
It happened to me in Smržovka, where I saw a stream not far from the road and went to see it. Suddenly I just had to…
With a good feeling of a successful hunt, I continued to worry about the day, and while driving I saw a tower near the road in Staré Hamry, turned the car around and had to drive there. At first I just went there to look around and because it was private land – cameras everywhere, it was even more exciting. I returned to the car for equipment, prepared everything again and carefully adjusted it. In pinhole photography, it is simply exciting precisely because of the uncertainty of the result and not just negligibly due to the price of the image.
Two stops paid off and if you ever saw a bright boy’s eyes lit up when he did something, you would have seen it with me just in a slightly older version.
I was told by a loved one that I belonged to a group of humiliated people. I take it as flattery and I know my way is crazy, but that’s why I do it.